Poetry and personal blog – Spilling my guts to strangers

Shooting the Breeze

Forever is not the furthest reach of ocean
For which there is no escape
From sky except the bouncing drift
And hopeful trust in providence.

It’s not an absolute:
It has no A and  B coordinates
That I can call a straight line.
It has no shape or weight or mass.

If forever is anything–
And it either is or it isn’t–
It is now until we say it’s not,
At which point it starts over again.

I used to think otherwise, but found
It’s just not that deep.


NaPoWriMo Day 15. The NaPoWriMo prompt was to write a sonnet (this is a free verse type).

**New sites added recently** Please visit this list of my poet friends who are also doing the poem-a-day challenge. They are worth the look. I’m inspired by them daily. Contact me if you want to be added to the list.

© Sweepy Jean and Sweepy Jean Explores the (Webby) World, 2012

Comments on: "Shooting the Breeze" (26)

  1. This is lovely! It reminds me of Emily Dickinson, something in the rhythm and images, until the end grounds it in something more contemporary and conversational, but still poetic. Nicely done!

  2. Just realized that wordpress has been linking my name to the wrong blog! I’m here now: http://freeofbeauty.wordpress.com/

  3. Wonderfully spun my dear. I agree that forever is whenever we choose. Lovely.

  4. Love your title …and the way your mind wove this concept of forever….it is in the mind of the beholder…it is now until we say it is not, at which part it starts over again…not unlike infinity…beautifully written from a very creative mind…thanks you….

  5. I believe forever is now. Each moment is eternal.
    Great poem. 🙂

    Here’s mine: http://ascendingthehills.blogspot.com/2012/04/napowrimo-broken-dawn.html

  6. Very nice. I especially like how it ends.

  7. Great poem and very true; how lightly people use language. “I will love you forever” unfortunately doesn’t always have the meaning that the words imply. Times change, we change, words change, forever also changes. Sometimes forever is merely a “now.”

  8. Your wonderful poem on the concept of “forever” made me think how we truly cannot wrap our minds around the infinite, the eternal. That realm belonging to God which we now see only through a darkened glass.

  9. WOW…I’m not sure what I think forever is anymore…. actually as humans I don’t think we can really comprehend what forever is because we have never seen it.. if that makes sense….very thought provoking words you have written… As always…XOXOXOXO

  10. My dear friend,
    It is no secret that you are very talented and full of emotions. Forever is not for us to understand….simply because we are imperfect. Great right!!!

  11. Janaki Nagaraj said:

    Forever is a word to which we put our own understanding and limitation…very creative.

  12. portia Burton said:

    Very true! Always live in the present.

  13. forever is a front for once upon a time

    wonderful poem

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