Poetry and personal blog – Spilling my guts to strangers

Quit Smoking Now!

It’s time that you put out your butts
‘Cuz smoking is silly and nuts!
It’s really not cool
So don’t be a fool:
Don’t tarry or linger or futz!


This poem is part of  the Lung Love Limerick Contest hosted by blogging buddy Rachel Hoyt at Rhyme Me a Smile. Feel free to enter (you have until April 19) and help promote lung health! Check out the link for details.

(This poem and all poems posted during April 2011 are included in the free ebook, “30 Poems, 30 Days: Inside a Poet’s Mind.”)

© Sweepy Jean and Sweepy Jean Explores the (Webby) World, 2011

Comments on: "Poetry Challenge: Poem #16" (15)

  1. BRAVO on using Futz!!!

  2. Futz! Very creative rhyme. Thanks for joining the contest. This is a great limerick. 🙂

    • Honored for you to say so, Rachel. You’re the rhyming Queen. It’s harder than it looks to rhyme, make sense, AND be funny, let alone write a proper limerick, yet you do that and more all the time. I was going for competent! 🙂

  3. Very innovative…I can’t rhyme at all…loved it.

  4. @sweepy jean,
    Love it!

  5. Nice. Very funny too.

  6. Jessica, Jenni, thank you both! ❤

  7. Loved it. Still haven’t quit though

  8. I thought I was here already? I guess not oh I feel a little unsteady.


  9. Great limerick with a great message!

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