Poetry and personal blog – Spilling my guts to strangers

My Blog Is a Toddler

It’s my two-year blog anniversary!

It’s nice that my blogiversaries are in December because they coincide with the time of the year when many of us become particularly introspective and self assessing. ‘Round these parts, it’s a dark time of year in a literal sense with the short winter days and long nights. I thrive in the darkness. The darkness is where I go when I write no matter what my physical surroundings are or what I’m writing about. I’m not afraid of the dark. It’s quiet and beautiful.

If 2010 was the year in which I allowed myself to express exactly what I was feeling, 2011 was the year of running around naked experimenting with the flexibility of language. My weekly 1 + 1 Wednesday, which I started a year ago almost to the day, was the beginning of that exploration. With the help of everyone who participated in that group activity, I gained a better understanding of the relationship between words and communication between people. Another foray was a spin in the Daisy Lemmas Riff, a fun group exercise in short story writing.

This also was the year during which I participated for the first time in National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo)–a challenge of producing a poem a day for the month of April. I posted the poems here and as each day went by felt more and more raw and exposed.  Oddly enough, it was a good feeling. I came to understand more clearly how my poetry relates to my everyday life. I also realized that over the years, the language of poetry has become second nature to me. Like many writers, there are times when I doubt myself but after NaPoWriMo–and my compiling an ebook of the poems I wrote that month, along with a running commentary–those same doubts don’t exist.

My favorite post this year? By far it was Like Love Hate. On the surface it is simply a chart of words that show what I like, love, and hate, in that order. However, by design, the reader had to figure everything out intuitively as nothing is spelled out explicitly. While some of the word groups have literal meanings with no ambiguity, others are more emotionally charged or have associations that are not immediately obvious. I spent weeks thinking about the concept before I wrote a single word, then days writing and editing it. In my heart of hearts, I consider it to be an experimental poem.

I’m really excited about my online life for the coming year, particularly a blog carnival I’m hosting called Third Sunday. I’ll talk more about it in another post: Suffice it to say that it’s an unexpected turn of events but it is also something that feels like a natural thing for me to do. I’m looking forward to seeing how it grows and evolves.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Peace and love to you for the new year and always.

© Sweepy Jean and Sweepy Jean Explores the (Webby) World, 2011

Comments on: "My Blog Is a Toddler" (59)

  1. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!! Here’s to many, many more. I’m happy to have been around for this second year and plan to stick around for more.

  2. Congratulations Sweepy! How wonderful 🙂 Before you know it, you will be handing over your car keys LOL.

  3. Very cool! Congratulations on the anniversary! You work so hard! Continued success in 2012!

  4. Congratulations. And you’redoing a great job! Keep it up.

  5. Congratulations, Sweepy!

  6. Wait….I was all ready for my two word answer! And I thought since you’re 2 now it should be goo-goo gaa-gaa. Or are you too big for that already? Congrats!

  7. congratulations Sweepy. i pray that each year your blog journey recognizes you with every possible key of more and more achievements. you are dynamic. you have proved it in two years and you will also be doing it in the upcoming years. wish you all the very best.

  8. Janaki Nagaraj said:

    Happy Anniversary…wishing you many more of these.

  9. Happy blogoversary my dear! Here is to many many many more AND the expansion of dreams you have yet to dream for this and all you do online ❤

  10. Congratulations but beware, the ‘no!’ stage is upon you!

  11. Happy bloggy birthday!

  12. Congratulations, and cheers for all the great contributions you are making to the writing community!

  13. Congratulations and happy blog anniversary!

  14. Congrats mamita! I have loved reading your work! Best of everything to you!

  15. Hello.
    Congratulations on your Blogoversary! Continued success & growth to you!

  16. Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog and I hope you have many many more!!

  17. deborahnscatteredmusing said:

    Congrats!! Happy Happy Anniversary!!

  18. […] Sweepy Jean: poetry you should read; real dedication […]

  19. might be wrong with numbers, but…here you go Adriene: http://wp.me/p1jCKo-hl

  20. Happy blogiversary Adrienne. Beautiful post – I love the recap of your journey this year.

  21. Happy anniversary and many more to come. I have enjoyed reading your posts and will continue doing so. Happy holidays and god bless.

  22. Happy blog anniversary, and sending tons of creativity your way! I love how you re-introduced me to poetry and admire your diversity.
    A muchos mas – and thank you!

  23. Congratulations Sweepy…wishing you every success in all you ever do.

  24. Congrats girl. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you through your writing. I also cannot express enough how thankful I am to you for opening up new arenas for me as well. Here’s to another accomplished year with even more blessings. xoxo

    • Thanks, Jen! It’s an honor for me to hear you say that. It was your time to show yourself to the world. I was just an incidental player in the cosmic plan. Love and blessings to you! ❤

  25. You should be very proud. It amazes me how many blogs get started, then abandoned. Millions and millions sit in the blogosphere waste lands, and here we have a shining example of how time, energy and passion you can majke your blog grow. Congratulations to you.

    • Thank you so much, Larry! These words mean a lot, especially coming from a motivator such as yourself. I suspect that those bloggers lose focus or fail to establish a purpose in the first place.

  26. Well done Sweepy and Happy Anniversary. Look forward to seeing more of your writing.

  27. Happy Blogbirthday, may you have many more!

  28. Happy Anniversary to your blog, Adriene! I wish you even more inspiration so you can continue to share with us your inspired world and words! And yes, I do think Like, Love, Hate is special…thought-provoking and quite interactive. Congratulations again!

  29. Congratulations on your anniversary! I look so forward to seeing what you create in 2012! You’re a talented and amazing lady ❤
    Happy Holidays!

  30. I never had a chance to come back last week, but I did want to tell you this post resonated deeply. I am also celebrating my one year blog-versary in a few weeks. I am filled with mixed emotions. It’s a labor of both love and discovery. Wish you the same holiday magic and best wishes on your one year. I am looking forward to more, you were an unexpected find for me. Thank you for sharing your writer’s soul with us..

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