Poetry and personal blog – Spilling my guts to strangers

1 + 1 Wednesday (#8)

Believe it or not, this is the 8th installment of 1+1 Wednesday!

Each week this event feels fresh and new because you never know what direction the words are going to take–it’s like free falling. And that’s because the rules are so simple as to be almost nonexistent!

I invite you to leave two words on any topic whatsoever in the comment section below. To start things off, I also leave two words in the comments section, but as I told one participant who asked about it, your words do not have to match my words in any way, although they can if you want. I’m simply starting the ball rolling.

Your words can be thought-provoking, creative and experimental, or they can be simple and ordinary. Like I told another participant, you don’t have to try to be clever–but you can if you want. You can vent, say something important, be random, or be silly. You don’t have to be a writer to participate.

This is an exercise in freedom, to say whatever you want at this very moment. Click here to see last week’s 1 + 1.

No restrictions on language except for this: No slurs against race/ethnicity or sexual orientation. Such comments will not be approved or will be deleted as soon as I’m able.

So let the words fly! If you like 1 + 1, please become a fan on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/1plus1wednesday. On Twitter, follow 1 + 1 at http://twitter.com/1plus1wednesday.

My two words are in the comment section. Enjoy!

© Sweepy Jean and Sweepy Jean Explores the (Webby) World, 2011

Comments on: "1 + 1 Wednesday (#8)" (46)

  1. Inner preservation

  2. Save Wisconsin. ♥

  3. blissful dumbness

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lisa Brandel, 1plus1wednesday. 1plus1wednesday said: It's 1+1 Wednesday. Two words-Two minutes-No judgment. https://sweepyjean.wordpress.com/2011/02/16/1-plus-1-wed-8 #writingprompt Pls RT […]

  5. Unconditional Love

  6. William. Kate.

  7. annoyed military

  8. creative criticism

  9. Playful escape…

  10. missing sister

  11. Lazing Dating

  12. purr content

  13. Total Frustration

  14. Blowing Bubbles

  15. suburbansatsangs said:

    brain fog

  16. Healing Heart

  17. Inexplicable wonders

  18. Wednesday again?

  19. lightfighter7 said:

    No Fear

  20. Share beauty.

  21. What a great idea! Here are mine

    Coffee aromas

  22. play hookey! =)

  23. thankyou godbless

  24. benediction resurrection

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